Daftar Program Magang IMERI untuk Mahasiswa FKUI

Informasi penerimaan informasi magang di IMERI untuk mahasiswa FKUI

Wellcome Trust Visit to IMERI FKUI

Wellcome Trust Chief Executive, Dr. John-Arne Rottingen and Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) Vietnam…

Kunjungan Pusat Kolaborasi Riset Precision Oncology based Omics (PKR PrOmics)

Pada Selasa, 14 November 2023 Tim Pusat Kolaborasi Riset Precision Oncology based Omics (PKR PrOmics) melakukan…

Webinar Ergonomi IMERI FKUI: Navigating Ergonomics in the Digital Era – Aligning Productivity and Wellbeing

Pada hari Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2023, research group Ergonomi, Klaster Occupational and Environmental Health Research…

THE 7th OPEN INNOVATION IMERI-FKUI, 30 September – 1 Oktober 2023

The 7 th Open Innovation (OI) Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) adalah sebuah ajang kompetisi…

IMERI FKUI Guest Lecture: From Research to Clinical Practice on Biotics

IMERI FKUI had the chance to host Prof. dr. Jan Knol, a Professor of Intestinal Microbiology of Early Life at the…

Workshop Cloud Computing Analytics Big Data Center (BDC) IMERI-IDEALAB

Big Data Center IMERI-IDEALAB bekerjasama dengan Solusi247 menyelenggarakan workshop “Learning A to the Z Cloud…

Webinar IMERI From Bench to Community Series #8

Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2023 lalu telah dilaksanakan Webinar From Bench to Community Series kedelapan yang dimoderatori

the 6th IMERI Anniversary & Open House

Acara puncak pada tanggal 6 Juli dibuka oleh Sambutan dari Dekan FKUI (Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB,…

IMERI FKUI, OUCRU Indonesia and HME University of Washington Lecture on Global Burden Disease (GBD): Health Status and Disease Burden

MERI FKUI in collaboration with Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) Indonesia and Institute for Health…

Kunjungan Tim Global Clinical Trial Merck Sharp and Dohme

Kunjungan Tim Global Clinical Trial Merck Sharp and Dohme

IMERI Research Meeting ke-41

IMERI Research Meeting

Kerja Sama FKUI dan PT Pandu Biosains untuk Upaya Pengembangan Penelitian Genome Sequencing melalui IMERI FKUI

Berangkat dari nilai tersebut, pada Selasa, 21 Maret 2023 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia memberikan…

The 1st International Conference of Cardiovascular, Metabolic, and Aging Research Symposium

The Metabolic Disorder, Cardiovascular, and Aging Cluster, Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute, Faculty…

IMERI From Bench to Community Series 6

Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (IMERI FKUI) sejak bulan…

IMERI Innovation Meeting ke-40

IMERI Innovation Meeting ke-40

IMERI Research Meeting ke-40

IMERI Research Meeting

IMERI Innovation Meeting ke-39

IMERI Innovation Meeting

Good Laboratory Practice training IMERI FKUI

Sebagai wujud upaya peningkatan kompetensi SDM IMERI FKUI, pada 15 – 16 Februari 2023 Manajemen IMERI FKUI

Kunjungan Global Health Neurology Lab. Sydney

Kunjungan Dr. Sonu Bhaskar, MD PhD PHF FANA, Executive Director, Global Health Neurology Lab Sydney, Australia.

IMERI FKUI Form Bench to Community Series

Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (IMERI FKUI) sejak bulan…

Kontribusi IMERI FKUI mengatasi Aging Population melalui Buku Penuaan dan Intervensi Penuaan

Populasi dunia dan Indonesia akan didominasi oleh usia lanjut (usia 60 tahun ke atas). Pada tahun 2045, Bappenas…

Peluncuran Modul Healthy Aging : Physical Activity to Maintain Mobility

Indonesia Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FKUI)…

IsDB Group President Visit to IMERI regarding the Development of Medical Education and Research Center in Indonesia

From left to right : Dr. Rami Ahmad (Senior Advisor to IsDB President), Prof. dr. Badriul Hegar, PhD, SpA(K) (IMERI…

Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University Online Benchmark Visit to IMERI and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

During the fruitful discussion, the Dean of FK UB, Dr. dr. Wisnu Barlianto, M.Si.Med, Sp.A(K) accompanied by

FKUI Luncurkan Big Data Center IMERI-IDEALAB

Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI - FKUI) bekerja sama dengan venture builder UMG Idealab…

IMERI 4th Anniversary and Virtual Open House: A Year of Pandemic in Review, from IMERI for Indonesia

Marking the fourth year of IMERI contribution to create better healthcare and quality of life through disruptive..


The 5th Open Innovation (OI) Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) adalah sebuah ajang..

The 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (ICE on IMERI) 2021

The Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (IMERI-FMUI) held…

IMERI 3rd Anniversary ‘Virtual’ Open House 2020

IMERI with a vision of creating better healthcare and quality of life through disruptive innovation in medical…

Pemeriksaan RT-PCR COVID-19 di Laboratorium Klaster Infectious Diseases and Immunology

Identifikasi COVID-19 di lakukan di laboratorium klaster Infectious Disease and Immunology (IDI) dengan dr. Erni Juwita…


IMERI held a full-day open house event to celebrated its 2nd years anniversary on July, 30th 2019 with theme: Leading…


SHARE is a five year programme specification in education, launched in 2015 and funded by the European Union (EU) with…


This meeting was held to present the progress of research activities for each IMERI FKUI research cluster.


The internal speaker of webinar symposium is Prof. Dr. Badriul Hegar, Ph.D, SpA (K) and the external speaker is Prof.…


The speaker for this guest lecture was Prof Yasuhiro Yasutomi, DVM, Ph.D from Tsukuba Primate Research Center, National…

Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis

Predicting sperm DNA fragmentation by FACS scan, Development of male contraception: hormonal, herbal and…

Health Risk Assesment

Innovation practice contributes to economic development by fostering the development of new markets and the improvement…


Standard checks for protein expression in patient biopsy samples, The panel can provide information about protein…

Body Composition Measurement

Measurement of body composition determines how much our body is made of fat and fat-free mass.

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for Medical Students

Tracer Study Consultation

The challenge of globalization, Tracking and recording graduates data, Evaluation of the learning process

Visit iMuseum

Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine (iMuseum) is the first museum that provide the information about the history of…