Biobank Research

IMERI FK UI Tower Riset 9th Floor Jl. Salemba Raya No. 6, Central Jakarta

Research Biobank (RB) IMERI Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (FMUI) is a unit which aims to support many types of basic and translational research. The Biobank stores human biological samples for use in research. The samples are derived from patients whom operated with diagnostic or therapeutic purposes and already giving their consent for storing of their tissues in RB.

Biobank Research IMERI is a member of International Society for Biological and Enviromental Repositories (ISBER). ISBER is the global forum that addresses scientific, technical, legal, and ethical issues for biobanks and biorepositories. The advantages to improve quality of biorepositories and biobanking management in Biobank Research IMERI.

Sample collections of RB are formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue and fresh tissue without fixative stored in -80 C. Each specimen has clinical/pathological data regarding age, sex, histopathology diagnosis, and appropriate clinical data. RB keeps these specimens in good condition until researchers need them to conduct a test, do an experiment, or perform an analysis. Variety of medical students from all level, health care researcher, and scientist will be benefit from the services RB offered.


To be the comprehensive Research Biobank in Indonesia with International standard to facilitate the medical and health research.


  • Facilitating the access to standardized Biospecimen.
  • Developing the Biobank toward Internationally accredited status.
  • Participate in improving the quantity and quality of medical and health research.




  • Effects of Air Pollution in Early Life of Infant and Maternal Health


  • Stem Cell and Neuroendocrine Profiling in Metastatic Prostate Carcinoma


  • HGF as a potential biomarker for epithelial ovarian carcinoma


  • Characterization of genomic Profiles and Gene Association in Breast Cancer Patients Collection of Biobank Research FKUI-RSCM Jakarta.
  • AKNA, CD40, CD154 Gene Analysis and It’s Expression: Potential as Biomarkers of Malignancy Progression Ovarian Cancer.
  • Factors Associated With The Incidence of Kidney Stones: Multivariate Analysis Studies Based on Gene Polymorphism Factors CaSR, CLDN14, VDR, ALPL, Inflammatory Cytokines Expression, Clinical, and Demographic.

On Going Research


  • Analisis ekspresi dan Identifikasi Marker Gen untuk Diagnosis Pasien Kanker Ovarium pada Sampel Biobank IMERI FKUI (2024).
  • Analisis Ekspresi Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) Dalam Perannya Sebagai Faktor Prognostik Pada Derajat Keganasan Karsinoma Ovarium (2024)




FGD Membangun Jejaring Pengelolaan Biospesimen IMERI FKUI, November 2024

Internship Infectious and Noninfectious Biospecimen Management and Related Data, Oktober 2024

Contact Us:
Email           :
Instagram  : biobank_imeri_fkui
WhatsApp Business:
+62 586-9203-4256 (chat only)
+62 822-8648-2080 (chat only)