Animal Research Facilities (ARF)

Is specially designed to accommodate controlled environment for the care and maintenance of experimental animals.  We facilitate research for students and researchers, both internal and external of IMERI FKUI. We also develop animal models for research, for example stroke model, diabetic, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and many more. The ARF is equipped with treadmill for rodents, non-invasive blood pressure measurement, in-vivo imaging system, and individually ventilated cage for mice and rats.

Ongoing Activities

  • Provides facilities for researcher from internal FKUI (bachelor degree program, master degree program, doctoral program) and external FKUI.
  • Preparing animal subjects for studies in IMERI in accordance with the researcher’s needs.
  • Assisting researchers in the research process.
  • Assisting data analysis and publication.
  • Development (animal models, transgenic/knock out animal model, Stroke Model, cancer animal models, etc).
  • Breeding animal models (animal resources).
  • Seeking grants through research, focusing on topics related to health problems in Indonesia.
    Conducting research collaborations with other national instances and instances abroad with topics including MS, endometriosis, Parkinson, etc.


  • Salinah; Eka wuyung, Puspita; Wiweko Budi; Kodariah Ria; Kusmardi. Expression of p16INK4a in Endometrioid Cancer Rat Model. Advanced Science Letters, Volume 24, Number 9, September 2018, pp. 6584-6586(3).
  • Jan Sudir Purba, Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, Rani Wardani Hakim, Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto, Siti Farida, Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih. The role of ACALYPHA INDICA lINN Extract on Acetylcholine receptor (AchR) with myasthenia gravis rat model. (Submitted, J. Immunology 2017).
  • Kamalia Layal, Ika S. Perdhana, Melva Louisa, Ari Estuningtyas, Vivian Soetikno. The effects of quercetin on oxidative stress and fibrosis markers in chronic kidney disease rat model. MJI Vol 26, No 3 (2017): September.
  • Bantari W.K. Wardhani, Meidi U. Puteri, Yukihide Watanabe, Melva Louisa, Rianto Setiabudy, Mitsuyasu Kato. Knock-out transmembrane prostate androgen-induced protein gene suppressed triple-negative breast cancer cell proliferation. MJI Vol 26, No 3 (2017): September.
  • Paramita Paramita, Melva Louisa, Nafrialdi Nafrialdi. Increased vimentin mRNA expression in MCF-7 breast cancer cell line after repeated endoxifen-treatment.MJI Vol 25, No 4 (2016): December.
  • Erni Rahmawati, Hedi R. Dewoto, Puspita E. Wuyung. Anticancer activity study of ethanol extract of Mahkota dewa fruit pulp (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl.) in C3H mouse mammary tumor induced by transplantation. MJI Vol 15, No 4 (2006): October-December.


  • Institut Pertanian Bogor.
  • Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam, Holland.
  • Leiden University Medical Center, Holland.
  • FKUI Departments; pharmacology Department, Neurology Department and Pathology Anatomic Department.
