Messages Form The Board
The Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) started to operate in July 2017. However, the idea to create a new institute dedicated to medical education and research originated much earlier. The Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute is the first institute of medical education and research in Indonesia developed by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia to respond to emerging health issues in an increasingly global society and to the government’s call for a transdisciplinary medical education and research to cope with these new emerging health issues in the society.As an independent institute of knowledge, IMERI focuses on Innovation in medical education and in medical research, integrate transdisciplinary medical subjects, maintains the value prepositions of cutting edge medical science and technology, academic ambience, excellence and societal impact within the framework of Faculty Medicine of Universitas Indonesia.
The Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute is in line with the national program of enhancing the resilience and independence of Indonesia in the field of health. The program which Improving the quality of life and Increasing productivity and competiveness are highly relevant for IMERI, since these goals directly refer to the health and well-being of the population and requires to address diseases and its capacity to change and innovate. Since these goals are also specified in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030, IMERI seeks to be an institute addressing important issues in medicine and health care, and in medical education.
IMERI is a place for medical experts to have an invaluable experience, attain excellence and contribute to innovation in education and research in cooperation with internationally renowned experts. Lets join IMERI.
Board of Director
Prof. Badriul Hegar, MD, Ph.D, Sp.A(K)
Board Of Directors

Vice Director Medical Science and Innovation
Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Wiweko, SpOG (K), MPH

Vice Director Medical Education
Prof. dr. Diantha Soemantri, MMedEd, PhD

Executive Secretary
Dr. dr. Trinovita Andraini, MBiomed, PhD