Human Reproduction, Infertility, and Family Planning

Brings together the expertise of clinicians and researchers working in reproductive health. The research portfolio spans from molecular investigation into the health of oocytes, sperm and embryos to clinical research of common gynecological conditions, such as endometrial and polycystic ovary syndrome. The research is focusing on epigenetics on reproduction (DNA methylation and microRNAs expression), new approach on pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) using non-invasive methods and also mitochondrial DNA as a biomarker for oocytes and embryos quality.

Ongoing Research

  • Korelasi Kadar Androgen Cairan Folikel dan ekspresi reseptor FSH Sel Granulosa pada Perespon Buruk.
  • Korelasi kadar AMH Cairan Folikel dengan Rasio Ekspresi BAX/BCL-2 Sel Granulosa pada Pasien Sindroma Ovarian Polikistik (SOPK).
  • Studi Profil mRNA Gen GDF9 dan BMP15 pada Sel Granulosa dalam Meramal Kualitas Oosit pada Pasien yang Menjalani Pragram Bayi Tabung.
  • Profil Metilasi Gen-gen yang Terlibat dalam Metabolisme Insulin dan Androgen pada Pasien PCOS.
  • Pengaruh metilasi DNA gen PGR-A dan PGR-B pada jaringan endometriosis.
  • Studi Terhadap Viabilitas Korteks Ovarium Pasca Vitrifikasi dan Transplantasi Pada Macaca fascicularis Sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Pusat Preservasi Fungsi Reproduksi Pada Penderita Kanker Pasca Kemoradiasi.
  • Evaluasi Penggunaan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai dengan Sistem Paket dan Non Paket sebagai Upaya Efisiensi Biaya di RSCM.
  • Pengaruh condition medium pada kultur sel granulos.
  • Kegunaan aplikasi IKO dalam menentukan usia biologis serta dampaknya terhadap pemilihan teknologi reproduksi di l ingkungan RSCM, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Perubahan Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Sluble Leptin Receptor (Sob-R), Leptin, Estradiol, dan Keluhan Vasomotor sebagai Faktor Peramal Hendaya Kognitif Nir-Demensia pada Perempuan Menopause.
  • CD107A untuk Identifikasi Aktivasi Sel Natural Killer pada Pasien Endometriosis.
  • Next Generation Sequencing : Peningkatan Akses dan Akurasi Penapisan Kelainan Genetik Pra-Implantasi.
  • Program Ipteks Bagi Masyarakat.
  • Studi Viabilitas Korteks Ovarium dan Folikel Pre-Antral Manusia dan Maturasi Oosit Pasca Vitrifikasi di Pusat Preservasi Fertilitas Indonesia.


  • Asmarinah, Syauqy A, Umar LA, Lestari SW, Mansyur E, Hestiantoro A, Paradowszka-Dogan A. Sperm chromatin maturity and integrity correlated to zygote development in ICSI program. Syst Biol Reprod Med.
  • Bao AM, Hestiantoro A, Van Someren EJ, Swaab DF, Zhou JN. Colocalization of corticotropin-releasing hormone and oestrogen receptor-alpha in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in mood disorders. Brain.
  • Bennett LR, Wiweko B, Hinting A, Adnyana IB, Pangestu M. Indonesian infertility patients’ health seeking behaviour and patterns of access to biomedical infertility care: an interviewer administered survey conducted in three clinics. Reprod Health.
  • Bennett LR, Wiweko B, Bell L, Shafira N, Pangestu M, Adayana IB, Hinting A, Armstrong G. Reproductive knowledge and patient education needs among Indonesian women infertility patients attending three fertility clinics. Patients Educ Couns.
  • Chua Y, Limpaphayom KK, Cheng B, Ho CM, Sumapradja K, Altomare C, Huang K. Genitourinary syndrome of menopause in five Asian countries: results from the Pan-Asian REVIVE survey. Climacteric.
  • Hestiantoro A, Negoro YS, Afrita Y, Wiweko B, Sumapradja K, Natadisastra M. Anti-Müllerian hormone as a predictor of polycystic ovary syndrome treated with clomiphene citrate. Clin Exp Repro Med.
  • Hestiantoro A, Swaab DF. Changes in estrogen receptor-alpha and -beta in the infundibular nucleus of the human hypothalamus are related to the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology. J Clin Endocriol Metabol.
  • Hestiantoro A, Wiwie M, Shadrina A, Ibrahim N, Purba JS. FSH to estradiol ratio can be used as screening method for mild cognitive impairment in postmenopausal women. Climacteric.
  • Kruger MC, Schollum LM, Kuhn-Sherlock B, Hestiantoro A, Wijanto P, Li-Yu J, Agdeppa I, Todd JM, Eastell R. The effect of a fortified milk drink on vitamin D status and bone turnover in post-menopausal women from South East Asia. Bone.
  • Pratama G, Vaghjiani V, Tee JY, Liu YH, Chan J, Tan C, Murthi P, Gargett C, Manuelpillai U. Changes in culture expanded human amniotic epithelial cells: implications for potential therapeutic applications. Plos One.
  • Swaab DF, Chung WC, Kruijver FP, Hofman MA, Hestiantoro A. Sex differences in the hypothalamus in the different stages of human life. Neurobiol Aging.
  • Wiweko,B., Susanto, CA. The Effect of Metformin and Cinnamon on Serum Anti-Mullerian Hormone in Women Having PCOS: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Journal of Human Reproductive Science.
  • Wiweko,B., Utami, P. Predictive value of sperm deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fragmentation index in male infertility. Basic Clinic Andrology.
  • Wiweko B, Maidarti M, Priangga MD, Shafira N, Fernando D, Sumapraja K, Natadisastra M, Hestiantoro A. Anti-mullerian hormone as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for PCOS patients. J Assist Reprod Genet.
  • Wiweko B, Prawesti DM, Hestiantoro A, Sumapraja K, Natadisastra M, Baziad A. Chronological age vs biological age: an age-related normogram for antral follicle count, FSH and anti-Mullerian hormone. J Assist Reprod Genet.
  • Wong PC, Qiao J, Ho C, Ramaraju GA, Wiweko B, Takehara Y, Nadkarni PV, Cheng LC, Chen HF, Suwajanakorn S, Vuong TN; Asia Pacific Fertility Advisory Group. Current opinion on use of luteinizing hormone supplementation in assisted reproduction therapy: an Asian perspective. Reprod Biomed Online.


  • Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
  • Computer Science Faculty.
  • Human Nutrition Research Center.
  • Department of Psychiatry.
  • Department of Ear, Nose, and throat.
  • Cluster of infectious disease and immunology.
  • Giessen University.
  • Kyoto University.
