Vision and ambition
Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute was established to ‘create better healthcare and quality of life through disruptive innovation in medical education and research’. Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute’s mission stimulates IMERI to discover novel ways to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases, and to bring such innovation from the laboratory benches to the clinics and to the market place. Also, IMERI’s mission is to provide novel ways and technologies to enhance the education of future doctors and other health professionals, thereby building and sustaining Indonesia’s educational and research capacities. Transdisciplinary and international cooperation are valued and actively sought to achieve these goals.
These innovations are expected to be translated into evidence-based policies addressing emerging health and medical education issues of Indonesia and beyond. The goal of IMERI is to deliver innovation, even disruptive innovation in medical sciences. The level of ambition of IMERI is high, it clearly strives to become an international class institute of medical education and research. Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute aspires to be a truly Indonesian Institute that is open for all talented researchers and educators, and expressly wants to collaborate with education and research centers from all regions of Indonesia, and beyond.
Education and medical services are also increasingly being organized on a problem-based strategy which requires multidisciplinary collaborations in education and in patient care as well. Medical transdisciplinary education and research are indispensable in the current era. This is also in line with the Government’s Strategic Map (Ministry of Health) which has a target to improve the health status of the community and increase public responsiveness and protection of social dan financial risks in health to achieve an independent and just society.