Center Of e-Learning
Center of e-Learning Cluster is one of IMERI’s Medical Education Clusters which is focused on developing and implementing e-learning activities, such as distance learning (PJJ), open course (OC), and open content (OR) with national and international standards. Our cluster has collaborated with various parties related to the South East Asia Ministry of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Center (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC), the Telemedicine Development Center (TEMDEC-Asia), as well as various clusters at IMERI. The form of collaboration is in the form of research and development of e-learning, especially the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), OC and OR. In order to support the development of e-learning, our cluster is also supported by a Production House (PH) unit which specialized in making digital contents.In order to achieve the target of research and publication outputs in 2020, the Center of e-learning cluster has attempted to carry out research, development and publication related to distance learning, the use of Learning Management System (LMS) and the MOOC platform. Development or innovation related to the IMERI MOOC (Online Course IMERI (OCI)) platform was carried out in collaboration with SEAMOLEC and the Information System Development Center for the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (PPSI FKUI). MOOC development is the continuity of the platform development stage in 2019. Next step in 2020, we focused on MOOC supporting features based on user needs from the OCI platform itself..
On Going Activities
- Collaborated with IMERI’s Clusters and PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera in Developing Module in Online Course IMERI platform.
- Running two modules which created for PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera.
- Continuation of Webinar Series IMERI 2020 for eight clusters remain in 2021.
- Implementation the entire demand of related user services in our cluster.
- Online Courses Development.
- Making MOOC Creation Guideline Book.
- Copyrights submission for the learning video content of the Healthy Aging Module.
- Digital Content Production.
- e-Learning Workshop and Training.
- Improving User Interface of Online Course IMERI (OCI) Platform
On Going Research
- Aria Kekalih, Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, Diantha Soemantri. Research on Development of Flipped classroom frameworks in residents education. (PUTI Q3 University of Indonesia Grant 2020).
- Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, Aria Kekalih, Pratiwi Rahadiani. Research on Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Methods.
- Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, Aria Kekalih, Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf, Pratiwi Rahadiani. Research on Comparing Between Webinar Participant’s Satisfaction, Preferences, and Expectation.
- Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, Aria Kekalih, Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf, Pratiwi Rahadiani, Faiz Akhadiyah Trisnawati, Muhammad Yusuf. “The Effectiveness of The Prevention, Treatment, and Risk of Tuberculosis, and Covid-19 Webinar Training to Enrich Knowledge and Build Awareness of Kelurahan Kalisari Communities”. (Hibah Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat University of Indonesia 2020).
- Aria Kekalih, Rini Sekartini, Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf, Pratiwi Rahadiani, Faiz Akhadiyah Trisnawati, Muhammad Yusuf. “Training of Webinar Utilization for Teacher as An Expansion of Promotive Efforts for School and Student Preparation in Prevention, Transmission and Distribution of Covid-19 in Depok, Cibinong, West Java”. (Community Service and Empowerment Grants, University of Indonesia 2020).
- Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, Aria Kekalih, Pratiwi Rahadiani. “Pengembangan Konten Edukasi Penggunaan Obat Rasional pada COVID-19 Berbasis Gamifikasi Menggunakan HTML 5 Package (H5P)”. (PUTI Q2 UI 2022 Grant).
- Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, Agian Jeffilano Barinda, Nadia Greviana, Diantha Soemantri, Aria Kekalih, Pratiwi Rahadiani. “Pelaksanaan Self-paced MOOC Healthy Aging Module as a Prevention Strategy for Non-communicable Disease in Elderly Population”. (In Collaboration with IMERI’s Clusters). (PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera Funding).
- Siti Farida, Aria Kekalih, Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih, F.A. Triatmoko HS, Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, Pratiwi Rahadiani. “Promosi Kesehatan Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19 melalui Pemanfaatan Konten Edukasi Ramah Disabilitas untuk Membangun Kemandirian Penyandang Disabilitas Tunanetra DKI Jakarta”. (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kemendikbud RISTEK 2022 Grant).
- Prasandhya Asatagiri Yusuf, Aria Kekalih, Diantha Soemantri, Dewi, Luthfi, Arierta Puji Tresnani, Pratiwi Rahadiani. “Virtual Reality (VR) in Medicine”. (IMERI’s Research Challenge).
- Krisnamurti, D.G.B., Kekalih, A., Fachri, W., & Rahadiani, P. (2022). Which Activity Maintain Engagement in Distance Learning and How It Can Increase Student Achievement? Lesson Learned from Herbal Medicine Module in Indonesia. International Journal on e-Learning.
- Rahadiani P., Kekalih A., & Krisnamurti, DGB. (2021). “Self-Paced MOOC: Indonesian Students’ Learning Activity Preferences and Acceptance on The Use of H5P Interactive Learning Content”. (Oral Presentation at The International Conference on Economics, Business, Tourism & Social Sciences (ICEBTS 2021)).
- Findyartini A, Greviana N, Hanum C, Husin JM, Sudarsono NC, Krisnamurti DGB, et al. (2021) Supporting newly graduated medical doctors in managing COVID-19: An evaluation of a Massive Open Online Course in a limited-resource setting. PLoS ONE 16(9): e0257039.
- Arif L.S, Kusumoningrum D.A, Pujitresnani A, Rahadiani P, Kekalih A, Soemantri D, Yusup PA. (2021). Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Technology Readiness in Medical Education. (Poster Publication at The 6th ICE on IMERI 2021).
- Shimizu, S., Tomimatsu, S., Kudo, K., Ueda, S., Kekalih, A., Makmun, D., Estiasari, R., Oki, A., & Moriyama, T. (2020). Remote Medical Education in Indonesia: Analysis of 10 Years of Activities. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and EHealth, 8, e6 (1-6).
- Krisnamurti, D.G.B, Kekalih, A., Rahadiani, P. (2020). Students Engagement in Distance Learning: The Relation of Student Participation and Student Passing Rate in Herbal Medicine Module. Accepted in The International Conference of Health, Engineering, and Science 2020.
- Kekalih, A., Krisnamurti, D.G.B., Yusuf, P.A., Rahadiani, P. (2019). Acceptability of Medical Student in Second- and Third-Year Undergraduate Education Toward Implementation of Online Learning Management System (Published in The 12th Jakarta Meeting on Medical Education 2019).
- SEAMOLEC (South East Asia Ministry of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Centre).Telemedicine Development Center (TEMDEC-Asia).
- Telemedicine Development Center (TEMDEC-Asia).
- Perhimpunan Dokter Herbal Medik Indonesia (PDHMI).
- Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (DIKTI).
- PT Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
- Department of Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences FMUI & SEAMOLEC (South East Asia Ministry of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Centre): Pengembangan Konten Edukasi Penggunaan Obat Rasional pada COVID-19 Berbasis Gamifikasi Menggunakan HTML 5 Package (H5P) (2022).
- IMERI Medical Education Center Cluster, Direktorat Pengembangan Akademik dan Sumber Daya Pembelajaran (DPASDP) Universitas Indonesia (UI), SEAMOLEC: Penyusunan Buku Panduan Penyusunan MOOCs (2022).
- IMERI Medical Technology Cluster, Department of Medical Rehab FMUI-RSCM, Faculty of Technic UI and PT. Virtu Digital Kusuma: Pengembangan Aplikasi Teknologi Virtual Reality (VR) Berbasis Lawton – Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (Lawton IADL) untuk Pasien dengan Demensia dan Gangguan Fungsi Kognitif (2022).
- IMERI Clusters (MVA, CSES, HNRC, OEHRC, and NBD), PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera: Module Development and E-Learning Training Program with Topic: Adult Nutrition and Healthy Aging: 1) Healthy Aging Module as a Prevention Strategy for Non-communicable Disease in Elderly Population, 2) Physical Activity to Maintain Mobility (in 2021 – 2022).
- Department of Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences FMUI, DPASDP UI, Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) A Tingkat Pembina: Promosi Kesehatan Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19 melalui Pemanfaatan Konten Edukasi Ramah Disabilitas untuk Membangun Kemandirian Penyandang Disabilitas Tunanetra DKI Jakarta (in 2022).
- iMuseum, Medical Technology Cluster, Department of Anatomy FMUI, PT. Virtu Digital Kusuma and PT. Teknologi Informasi Medi Medi: Pengembangan Modalitas Pembelajaran Anatomi Muskuloskeletal Berbasis Extended Reality dalam Mendukung Hybrid- dan Blended-Learning Kedokteran (in 2021).
- Medical Education Center Cluster and Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia: Pelaksanaan Pembekalan Internship melalui modul Tanggap Pandemi Covid-19 (2020 – 2021).
- Medical Education Center Cluster and Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (DIKTI): Pelaksanaan Modul Pembekalan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik (KKNT) COVID-19 (2020).
- Perhimpunan Dokter Herbal Medik Indonesia (PDHMI): Webinar Herbal Series PDIB, ILUNI PDIB FKUI & PDHMI Special Update COVID-19 (in 2020).
- SEAMOLEC (South East Asia Ministry of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Centre): Development of MOOC platform, Seminar, Workshop, Training, and Research Collaboration (2019 until now).
- Telemedicine Development Center (TEMDEC-Asia): Research Collaboration.
- Online Course “Healthy Aging Module as a Prevention Strategy for Non-communicable Disease in Elderly Population” (Dr. Apt. Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, Agian Jeffilano Barinda, et. al).
- Online Course “Physical Activity to Maintain Mobility” (by Dr. dr. Nani Cahyani, Sp.KO, Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, S.Farm, Apt., M.Biomed, et. al).
- “Healthy Aging Module as a Prevention Strategy for Non-communicable Disease in Elderly Population” Digital Content (by Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, S.Farm, Apt., M.Biomed, et. al.).
- “Physical Activity to Maintain Mobility” Digital Content (by Dr. dr. Nani Cahyani, Sp.KO, Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, S.Farm, Apt., M.Biomed, et. al).
- 3600 Virtual Tour IMERI (by Center of e-Learning Cluster IMERI).
- MOOC platform: Online Course IMERI (OCI) (by Center of e-Learning Cluster IMERI)
Intellectual Property
- Buku Rancangan Pengajaran (BRP) Program Magang Multidisiplin Pengembangan Buku Anatomi Kedokteran Berbasis Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR) No. EC00202232777 (2022) by dr. Isabella Kurnia Liem, M.Biomed., PhD., PA, dr. Rahmadini Djalal, M.Biomed, Dr. dr. Aria Kekalih, et. al.
- Buku Pedoman Kerja Mahasiswa (BPKM) Program Magang Multidisiplin: Pengembangan Buku Anatomi Kedokteran Berbasis Augmented Reality (AR)/ Mixed Reality (MR) No. EC00202232804 (2022) by dr. Isabella Kurnia Liem, M.Biomed., PhD., PA, dr. Rahmadini Djalal, M.Biomed, Dr. dr. Aria Kekalih, et. al.