Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine
Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine (iMuseum) is the first museum that offers an immersive and educational experience for public in the field of medical education and health sciences, and gives an experience of being a researcher. Besides preserving the historical artifacts of medical education, iMuseum also actively contributes to improve the quality of health and medical education in Indonesia.
Collection And Facilities
iMuseum preserves medical education artifacts, including rare anatomical specimens and anatomical models. It is also the home of a sophisticated 3D anatomy visualization table, SECTRA table, where students and scholars can refine their anatomy knowledge and perform virtual dissection.
1. Thematic iMuseum Tour (Offline and Virtual).
2. Medical Education Practice
- Basic Biomedical Science.
- Growth and Development module.
- Non Clinical Elective module: Extended Reality and Medical Illustration in Anatomy.
3. Workshop:
- SECTRA Table workshop.
- Medical Photography.
- Introduction to Biomedical Illustration.
- A Day as Medical Student: Mini-Practicum of Basic Biomedical Science.
- Why is Our Blood Red?
4. Webinar:
- Belajar Kedokteran dan Kesehatan bersama iMuseum IMERI (ARTERI) (2020 – 2022).
- Adaptasi iMuseum selama Pandemi COVID-19 (2020).
- Kiat Museum menjadi Ramah Disabilitas (2022).
- Tips & Tricks Belajar Asik Anatomi (2023).
- Belajar Mudah Neuroanatomi (2023)
iMuseum research focuses:
- Museum exhibition substance (Curatorial).
- Collection preservation.
- Visitor Service.
- Museum utility in medical education
- Penanggulangan Anemia pada Siswi SMP Negeri Satu Atap Muara Gembong, Desa Pantai Bakti, Kabupaten Bekasi (2022), collaboration with Department of Anatomy and Parasitology FKUI.
- Edukasi Anatomi Kulit dan Kaitannya dengan Pencegahan Infestasi Skabies pada Pondok Pesantren Al Wutsqo, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok (2023), collaboration with Department of Anatomy and Parasitology FKUI.
Preservation, restoration and registration of iMuseum collections.
On Going Research
- Pengembangan Modalitas Pembelajaran Anatomi Muskuloskeletal Berbasis Extended Reality dalam Mendukung Hybrid- dan Blended-Learning Kedokteran.
- Pengembangan Buku Praktikum Anatomi berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) dan Mixed Reality (MR) sebagai Pendukung Hybrid- dan Blended-Learning Kedokteran.
- Kajian Pendahuluan Sejarah Koleksi: Lukisan dr. Willem Bosch.
- Evaluasi Program Magang Multidisiplin dalam Upaya Digitalisasi Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine di Era Society 5.0.
- The Preliminary Study of “Geneeskundige Hoogeschool Student Information Book” during the Registration Period of 1927 – 1930.
- Potensi Minyak Gandapura sebagai Agen Transparansi Sediaan Anatomi pada Potongan Sagital Lutut Sapi.
- Proceeding Book: Peringatan 90 Tahun Situs Salemba 6 dan Diponegoro 71 (2013).
- Proceeding of the Willem Bosch Commemoration (2016).
- The Faculty (1916 – 1950) (2016).
- Panduan Pengunjung iMuseum Pasca Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (2020).
- Buku Rancangan Pengajaran (BRP) Program Magang Multidisiplin: Pengembangan Buku Anatomi Kedokteran berbasis Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR) (2021).
- Buku Pedoman Praktikum Mahasiswa (BPKM): Pengembangan Buku Anatomi Kedokteran berbasis Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR) (2021).
- Buku Rancangan Pengajaran (BRP) Program Course Extended Reality dan Ilustrasi Kedokteran pada Anatomi (2022).
- Buku Rancangan Pengajaran (BRP) Modul Elektif Nonklinik Extended Reality dan Ilustrasi Kedokteran pada Anatomi (2022).
- Buku Panduan Pemandu Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine (on progress).
- Katalog Koleksi iMuseum (on progress).
- Capaian dan Tokoh Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Seri Pertama (on progress)
- Anatomy Visual Learning: A New Modality to Enhance Neuroanatomy Learning in First-Year Medical Students (2020).
- Evaluation of Medical Student Satisfaction on the Implementation of Integrated Practicum in Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine (2023)
Intellectual Property
- Poster Dewasa (EC00202062765).
- Karya rekaman video: Introduction of iMuseum (EC00202062766).
- Poster Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine (EC00202062768).
- Poster Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (EC0202062789).
- Alat peraga: Puzzle Anatomi Tubuh Manusia (EC00202062791).
- Poster Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (EC00202062793).
- Karya rekaman video: Animasi Penyakit Infeksi (EC00202063665).
- Seni motif: Elektroforesis RNA (EC00202063673).
- Poster Potongan Anatomi Tubuh Manusia (EC00202063675).
- Karya rekaman video: Animasi Menjaga Kesehatan Gigi (EC00202063680).
- Poster Geneeskundige Hogeschool (EC00202064932).
- Poster Lanjut Usia (EC00202064933).
- Poster Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (EC00202064934).
- Karya rekaman video: Penyakit Tidak Menular (EC00202064935).
- Poster Sumpah Dokter (EC00202064936).
- Karya rekaman video: Dokter Djawa School (EC00202064937).
- Poster Pergoeroean Tinggi & Nood Universiteit (EC00202064938).
- Poster DNA dan Pewarisan Sifat (EC00202064939).
- Poster Ayo! Kenali Tubuhmu (EC00202064940).
- Karya rekaman video: Bantuan Hidup Dasar (EC00202064941).
- Karya rekaman video: Mengapa Kamu Mirip dengan Orang Tuamu (EC00202064946)
- Poster Dokter Djawa School (EC00202218074/000333455).
- Alat peraga: Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Double Helix (EC00202218137/000333518).
- Permanian video: Kognitif (EC00202219473/000334863).
- Karya rekaman video: Animasi Remaja (EC00202219482/000334872).
- Poster Remaja (EC00202219483/000334873).
- Poster Tumbuh Kembang Balita dan Imunisasi (EC00202219484/000334874).
- Karya rekaman video: Animasi Human Life Cycle (EC00202219485/000334875).
- Poster Djakarta Ika Daigaku (EC00202218066/000333447).
- Buku Rancangan Pengajaran Program Magang Multidisiplin Pengembangan Buku Anatomi Kedokteran berbasis Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR) (EC00202232777/000348376).
- Buku Pedoman Kerja Mahasiswa (BPKM) Program Magang Multidisiplin Pengembangan Buku Anatomi Kedokteran berbasis Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR) (EC00202232804/000348403).
- Program komputer: Prototipe Website Visual Anatomy Atlas (VisAA) (EC002022110608/000426352).
- Foto Kadaver Laki-Laki dengan Diseksi Otot-Otot Superfisial (EC002022113604/000429348).
- Foto Kerangka Terangkai Manusia (EC002022113604/000429348)
- Hak Merek: Visual Anatomy Atlas (IDM001149473).
- Hak Merek: Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine (IDM001153328).
- Awardee of Anugerah Purwakalagrha at Indonesia Museum Awards (IMA) 2019 for the “Smart Museum” category.
- Nominee of Anugerah Purwakalagrha at IMA 2021 for the “Museum of Health and Welfare Initiators” category.
- Nominee of Anugerah Purwakalagrha at IMA 2022 for the “Museum of Health and Welfare Initiators” category.
- Nominee of Anugerah Purwakalagrha at IMA 2023 for the “Innovative Museum” category.