Medical Education Center (MedEC)
Medical Education Center (MedEC) is a cluster focusing on research on medical and health professions education. There are a number of research themes that are being developed by the cluster, i.e. faculty development, humanism, ethics and professionalism, assessment, interprofessional education, medical students’ characteristics and technology enhance learning.
Apart from research, MedEC also runs medical and health professions teacher training, curriculum consulting for medical education and online module development and implementation. The cluster aims to optimally contribute to the advancement of medical education development andresearch in Indonesia and the region.
To be a center of excellence in research on medical and health professions education providing innovations and opportunity of best practices through infinite experience for all stakeholders to prepare better future medical and health professions graduates.
- To develop research on medical and health professions education to encourage best evidence practice in medical and health professions education through national and international collaboration.
- To develop sustainable and various faculty development programs in order that the medical curriculum implementation and its improvements will always be supported by knowledgeable and well-trained medical staff and professional staff.
- To develop a comprehensive consultancy program which is well supported by integrated facilities and Information and Communication Technology.
A. Research and Development
- Faculty Development.
- Humanism.
- Ethics and Professionalism.
- Assessment.
- Interprofessional Education.
- Curriculum.
- Technology Enhanced Learning.
- Professionalism
B. Cluster Service
- Curriculum Consulting for Medical Education.
- Medical and Health Profession Teacher Training.
- Online Module Development & Implementation.
C. Cluster Service
- Research and Innovations
Focusing on research on medical and health profession education. - Continuing Professional Development
Organizing webinars in collaboration with the order institution. - Curriculum and Research Consultation
Curriculum and research in medical and health profession education. - MOOCs Design and Development
– Modul Tanggap Pandemi COVID-19 series for: internship doctor, medical students, public and non-medical student.
– Pelatihan POKJA USG POGI Tahap Dasar. - Students Reasearch Internship
Facilitating student’s project in medical and health professional education.
Innovation and Collaboration
A. Innovation
- Buku: Panduan Adaptasi Pendidikan Kedokteran dan Profesi Kesehatan di Era Pandemi COVID-19
- Book “Challenges and Opportunities in Health Professions Education: Perspectives in the Context of Cultural Diversity”, Springer
- Buku “Panduan Pengembangan Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Bidang Kedokteran dan Kesehatan”
B. Collaboration
- MOOC Modul Tanggap Pandemi COVID-19 (MPTC)
Kolaborasi antara Klaster MedEC, Center of e-Learning IMERI FKUI, Medical Education Unit FKUI, dan tim lintas departemen FKUI yang terdiri dari MTPC untuk Masyarakat Awam, MTPC untuk Dokter dan Tenaga Kesehatan, MTPC untuk Dokter Internship, MTPC KKN Tematik untuk Mahasiswa
- MOOC Pelatihan POKJA USG POGI Tahap Dasar
Kolaborasi dengan Pokja USG Perkumpulan Obstetri dan Ginekologi Indonesia (POGI)
- Webinar I AM HPExplore Series
Kolaborasi antara MedEC FKUI, DPK FKUI, FKKMK UGM, FK Unair, INA-MHPEC dan kolaborator internasional.
- Medical Education Collaboration (MECC)
C. Kolaborator Nasional dan Internasional
- dr. Muhammad Ansari Adista, MPdKed (Universitas Syiah Kuala).
- dr. Ade Kiki Riezky, MPdKed (Universitas Abulyatama).
- dr. Suryanti, MPdKed (Universitas Batam).
- dr. Rahma Tsania Zhuhra, MPdKed (Universitas Andalas).
- dr. Dwita Oktaria, MPdKed (Universitas Lampung).
- dr. Yoanita Widjaja, MPdKed (Universitas Tarumanegara).
- dr. Witri Abriya, MPdKed (Universitas YARSI).
- dr. Mona Marlina, MPdKed (Universitas Pelita Harapan).
- dr. Sylvia Mustikasari, MMedEd (Universitas Jendral Ahmad Yani).
- Dr. dr. Yuni Susanti Pratiwi, MKes (Universitas Padjajaran).
- dr. July Ivone, MKK, MPdKed (Universitas Maranatha).
- dr. Rachmadya Nur Hidayah, MSc, PhD (Universitas Gadjah Mada).
- dr. Diani Puspa Wijaya, MMedED (Universitas Islam Indonesia).
- dr. Nurul Qomariah, MMedED (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan).
- Dr. dr. Eti Poncorini, MPd (Universitas Sebelas Maret).
- dr. Fithriyah C. Ummah, MMedEd (Universitas Airlangga).
- dr. Gita Sekar Prihanti, MPdKed (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang).
- dr. AASA Santhi Sueningrum, MPdKed (Universitas Warmadewa).
- dr. Pandji Winata Nurikhwan, MPdKed (Universitas Lambung Mangkurat).
- dr. Andrew Ruspanah (Universitas Pattimura)
- Dr. Thirusha Naidu (University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa ).
- Prof Madawa Candratilake (University of Kelanaya, Srilanka).
- Dr. Dujeepa Samarasekera (National University of Singapore).
- Prof. Yvonne Steinert, PhD (McGill University, Canada).
- Dr. Komal Atta (The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan).
- Dr. Nurhanis Syazni Roslan (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
H. Kegiatan Klaster
1. Workshop A Day As Medical Student dalam rangka HUT IMERI ke 7 Tahun 2024
Rabu, 2 Juli 2024, Auditorium 1 dan 2, IMERI – FKUI