Evidence-based Health Policy Center


Evidence-Based Health Policy Center (EBHPC) is a hub that facilitates all reliable and leading researchers from FMUI and the IMERI clusters so that their research results and insights will not only provide benefits from bench-to-bedside, but also has a broad impact on the community through the yield of data-based and evidence-based policy recommendations from research that has been and will continue to be carried out at IMERI FMUI. We believe that evidence and data should be among the central pillars for formulating health policy, thus resulting in evidence-based health policy.

We believe we could achieve our motto, “from excellent evidence to excel policy, for better health“.

Core Activities

We believe structured and collaborative activities will help us achieve more evidence-based community recommendations.

  • Policy recommendations formulation, publication of policy brief/report.
  • Advocacy on various health issues with policy briefs/recommendations.
  • Dissemination of policy brief/recommendations.
  • Various seminars and conferences Original research, focus group discussions with experts.
  • Training in health policy for lecturers and students.
  • Evidence-based policy recommendation competition


Collaboration is one of our core values, as we believe that working together can enable us to deliver high-quality policy research and recommendations.

  1. International organizations (i.e., Global Health Focus (GHF)).
  2. Government institutions (i.e., Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Health Office of Regional Governments (Dinas Kesehatan)).
  3. Professional Organizations in Medicine and Health (i.e., Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI, Indonesian Medical Association)).
  4. Various multidiscipline international and national universities and faculties.
  5. Faculties, Departments, and Research Centers in Universitas Indonesia.
  6. Clusters of IMERI-FKUI, Departments of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

Research and Innovation project

We cover various health-related issues to achieve health in all policies. Our focus spreads from the most prominent health issues in the country to various strategic and potential issues in health.

  1. Metabolic disorder, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
  2. Stunting and malnutrition.
  3. Infectious disease.
  4. Reproductive health.
  5. Medical and health big data.
  6. Health technology acceleration.
  7. Health service and human resource.
  8. Climate change and environmental health.
  9. Developmental issues (i.e., Sustainable Development Goals 2030, National Medium-Term (RPJMN) and Long-term (RPJPN) Development Plan).
  10. Medical and health research acceleration.
  11. and many more health-related issues


We have published journal articles, conference papers, and policy briefs/recommendations. Selected publication(s):

  • Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI-FKUI). Policy Brief: Academic Health System sebagai Solusi Isu Pendidikan dalam Rancangan Undang Undang Kesehatan. 2023. Download File.
  • Gamalliel N, Qorina F, Kalaij AIG, Wiweko B. Transformasi Digital Protokol Kesehatan Internasional: Dasar Arsitekur Kesehatan Global. Dalam: “Kumpulan Policy Brief Universitas Indonesia untuk Presidensi G20 Indonesia 2022”. 2022.
  • Gamalliel N, Qorina F, Kalaij AGI, Wiweko B. Broader perspective on global health protocol harmonization plan. Paper presentation. Unversitas Indonesia International Conference on G20, Jakarta. 2022.


We provide consultancy services for health policy formulation to enhance and accelerate evidence-based health policy formulation and dissemination across various fields. Kindly contact us for more information.

Contact Us for Further Collaboration

E-mail. healthpolicycenter.imeri@ui.ac.id
Address. IMERI-FKUI Building
Education Tower, 7th Floor
Salemba Raya 6 Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
