The IMERI has a research support and consultancy team able to support clients with a wide range of services
IMERI is the first institute of medical education and research in Indonesia with a vision of "Creating better healthcare and quality of life through disruptive innovation in medical education and research."
Every Day, A New Discovery.
the Catalysing Transformative Change in Planetary Health Education (CATA – Earth) Meeting and Project Launching
The Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) and Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine (CEEBM) Unit, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia had the chance to host the Catalysing Transformative Change in Planetary Health Education (CATA – Earth)
Daftar Program Magang IMERI untuk Mahasiswa FKUI
Informasi penerimaan informasi magang di IMERI untuk mahasiswa FKUI
Wellcome Trust Visit to IMERI FKUI
Wellcome Trust Chief Executive, Dr. John-Arne Rottingen and Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) Vietnam Director, Prof. Guy Thwaites visited IMERI FKUI on January 22, 2024
Kunjungan Pusat Kolaborasi Riset Precision Oncology based Omics (PKR PrOmics)
Pada Selasa, 14 November 2023 Tim Pusat Kolaborasi Riset Precision Oncology based Omics (PKR PrOmics) melakukan kunjungan fasilitas dan laboratorium di IMERI FKUI
Webinar Ergonomi IMERI FKUI: Navigating Ergonomics in the Digital Era – Aligning Productivity and Wellbeing
Pada hari Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2023, research group Ergonomi, Klaster Occupational and Environmental Health Research Center (OEHRC) IMERI FKUI menyelenggarakan webinar