IMERI with a vision of creating better healthcare and quality of life through disruptive innovation in medical education and research has entered its third year. IMERI held 3rd Anniversary ‘Virtual’ Open House on July, 9th 2020 with theme “The Role of IMERI FKUI in the New Normal Era”.  This event is an activity that provides an opportunity for IMERI to reflect on its vision and mission, especially in the current pandemic.

The event was started with IMERI commemoration & Keynote speech session which underlined the role of education and research development in general and to address various aspects of the pandemic and the new normal era. The first keynote speaker is Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Wiweko, SpOG(K), MPH with the presentation title “The Future of Medicine: Hope or Hype”, and the second speaker is dr. Dujeepa Samarasekera, MHPE, PhD from National University of Singapore with the presentation title “Beyond COVID-19 Pandemic: Bounce Forward to The Future”. In this session, a ‘virtual’ video tour was presented to introduce IMERI to public

The welcome speech was delivered by dr. Ardi Findyartini (Chairperson IMERI 3rd Anniversary), Prof. dr. Badriul Hegar, Ph.D., SpA(K) (director of IMERI), Prof. Dr. dr. H. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp-PD-KGEH (Dean of FMUI) and Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D (Rector of Universitas Indonesia).

After the plenary session IMERI commemoration & Keynote speech, there were several webinars and online workshop each for high school students, medical students and health professionals to provide up-to-date information about learning at the faculty of medicine and future medical research.

Future Medical Student webinar was held to discuss relevant topics that are important for future medical students, such as how to learn in medical school, how to learn with simulation, how to search for information, etc.. Webinars are organized as panel discussions with speakers from Education Clusters: dr. Diantha Soemantri, MMedEd, PhD (Medical Education Centre), Dr. dr. Rita Mustika, MEpid (Medical Education Centre), dr. Dina Muktiarti, SpA(K) (Simulation Based Medical  Education and Research), Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti, S.Farm, Apt, M.Biomed (Centre of e-Learning), Dr. dr. Purwita Wijaya Laksmi, Sp.PD-KGer (Digital Library/Center of Knowledge), dr. Rahmadini, M.Biomed (Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine). In this webinars participants were given the opportunity to discuss and interact with FMUI student facilitators.

Online workshop of Future Medical Researcher was held with various topics according to the specialty of each research cluster and core facilities.

  1. MVA: “Stay Healthy in New Normal with Healthy Apps”
  2. DDRC: “Herbal Medicine Product Development: Preparation, Analysis, in vitro-in vivo studies and formulation of drug dosage forms”
  3. OEHRC: “Manajemen Pencegahan Transmisi dan APD bagi Tenaga Kesehatan di Fasilitas Kesehatan dan Penilaian Kualitas Udara Ruangan Perkantoran Pasca Work From Home”
  4. HNRC: “Dietary Quality, Body Image, and Cognitive in Adolescence”
  5. SES: “Pemanatauan Intensitas Latihan Fisik di Era New Normal”
  6. HRIFP: “In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): From A to Z”
  7. Bio-informatics: “Analysis of SARS CoV-2 for Vaccine Development”
  8. NBD: “Depression and Internet Addiction During Covid-19 Pandemic”
  9. SCTE: “Stem Cells (HSC): Mikroenkapsulasi, Optimasi Medium Kultur dan Krioprotektan serta Analisis Flow Cytometry”
  10. HGRC: “Deteksi Dini Dismorfik pada Penyakit Langka”
  11. HCRC: “Isolasi Sel Imun pada Pasien Kanker dengan Imunomagnetik”
  12. MedTech: “3D Printing for COVID-19 Prevention in the New Normal Era”
  13. CRSU: “Menyiasati Uji Klinik di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Menuju Era Tatanan Baru”

IMERI 3rd Anniversary ‘Virtual’ Open House was closed with Panel discussion: THE NEW NORMAL – HOW CAN WE BE MORE PREPARED? which discussed current evidence regarding COVID-19 and various recommendations for the community to adapt in the NEW NORMAL era with expert moderator and speakers from various fields:

– Moderator                : Prof. Dr. dr. Akmal Taher, SpU(K)
– Medicine & Health : Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB
Scientists                  : Prof. dr. Pratiwi Sudarmono, SpMK(K), PhD
– Social Psychology  : Dr. Bagus Takwin, MHum
Health Economics   : Teguh Dartanto, SE, MEc, PhD
– Epidemiology         : dr. Iwan Ariawan, MSPH
– Sociology                : Dr. Imam Budidarmawan Prasodjo, MA

We would like to invite you to see the full video of the IMERI commemoration & Keynote speech on and Panel discussion: THE NEW NORMAL – HOW CAN WE BE MORE PREPARED? on