Centre for Applied Ethics

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Centre for Applied Ethics

Under the management of the IMERI Board of Directors, the Research Ethics  FKUI are responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of people involved in research. 

A new set of working standard has been arranged to meet the international requirements, for examples in terms of research subject protection, the role of the EC, the avoidance of conflict of interest, the protocol submission and processing procedures, communication with investigators, etc. Consequently, much improvement needs to be implemented for example the requirement for the investigators to report the ending of their studies, or to get prepared for a site monitoring by the HREC. This, of course, may lead the investigators to think that HREC is “making life more difficult”. However we hope everybody could understand that these are the current international ethical standards that we all have to comply with.

The Research Ethics review all clinical trial protocols and approve only those that address medically important questions in a scientifically and ethically responsible manner. They also review all informed consent documents to ensure that they provide clear and complete information for those who may wish to take part.

For more information on the Centre for Applied Ethics, please consult the related links below: