About Clinical Trials

About Clinical Trials

About Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are studies in which people help doctors find ways to develop new treatments and medications for diseases and conditions.

Nowadays, many industries (pharmaceutical, herbal medicine/ jamu, food supplement, cosmetic and personal care product) are compelled to provide product quality assurance by clinically proven safety and efficacy. This quality can be achieved by performing Good Clinical (Trial) Practice (GCP). These include designing study protocols, performing clinical trials, statistical analyses and writing study report appropriately to achieve the ultimate goals.

Clinical Research Supporting Unit (CRSU), Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, is available with its professional experience to help you to cope with your clinical research problem.

To comply with our philosophy “to provide the best”, CRSU has professional team consist of Professors, PhDs, MDs, Pharmacist and Pharmacologist experienced in clinical pharmacology and conducting clinical trial “


Clinical Research Supporting Unit (CRSU) infrastructure


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